VIP Class Notes (JJ)


orientation: 新生接待会

to dread something: 很不想做某个事情

Ex: Annie is dreading doing her homework, everyday.

original: 原创的

cover page: 封面

due: 交差的是什么时候

Ex: When is your homework due? 你的作业要什么时候交

My homework is due on August 29th.

first impression: 第一印象

common: 普遍的

consequence: 后果

majority: 大部分,大多数

Ex: The majority of the students don’t do their summer homework.

minority: 少数人

legal: 合法的

illegal: 不合法的

font: 书体,字体

ancestors: 祖宗

smudge: 晕染

Ex: Her eyeliner smudged/her hand smudged on her work.

multiple choice question: 选择题

multiple: 很多

convert: 转换

road test: 路考

road signs: 路牌,指示


flood: fl-uh-d

artificial: art-ti-fi-show

entertainment: in-ter-tain-ment

orientation: oh-rian-tation

majority: 马-jority

minority: 买-nority

legal: lī-购

illegal: 一legal

ancestor: an-cestor