Online Class Notes (Li)


Charlotte gives birth to many babies/Charlotte gives birth

mourn – to feel or express sadness because of someone’s death

ex. All the farm animals mourned for Charlotte’s death.


price vs. prize 

price – the cost of sth

ex. You can buy this dress for a lower price online.

prize –  a reward when you win a game/competition

ex. The first prize is a first-class plane ticket.

Speaking exercise

Mr Zuckerman took Wilbur to a fair, and the Fern with her family also come to fair together.

Mr Zuckerman took Wilbur to a fair, and the Fern and her family also went to the fair together.

Charlotte give a birth in the fair

Charlotte gave birth at the fair.

Wilbur wins a price

Wilbur won a prize.

And soon, Charlotte would be die and she talked to Wilbur. “I can’t back there with you this time.” said Charlotte.

And soon, Charlotte will be die so she talked to Wilbur. “I can’t be back there with you this time.” said Charlotte.

Help take baby back to farm.

Helped to take the babies back to the farm.

When they go went back to the farm, the other creature ask, “Wilbur, where is the Charlotte?” Wilbur said, “Charlotte was died in the fair. I took her baby to go back home.”

When they went back to the farm, the other creatures asked, “Wilbur, where is the Charlotte?” Wilbur said, “Charlotte was died in the fair. I took her babies back home.”

Charlotte’s baby was born in the winter. There are hundreds of small spider in total.

Charlotte’s babies were born in the winter. There are hundreds of small spiders in total.