VIP Class Notes (JJ)


therapist: 心理咨询师

psychologist: 心理学家

psychiatrist: 精神科医生

forensic psychologist: 犯罪心理学家

genetics: 遗传

cover it up: 掩盖事实

social drinker: a person who drinks to socialize 为了社交而喝酒

atmosphere: 氛围

finger food: 小食

speakeasy: bars that are hidden behind a facade

roughly: 大概的

rising sign: 上升星座

ignorance is bliss: 无知是福

fate: 命运

tolerant: 包容的

it’s not worth it: 不值得的

to be straight forward: 直接的

interpersonal relationships: 人际社交关系

calculating: 会算计的

mood: 心情


psychologist: SI--捞-gist

forensic: four-ren-sik


Write a sentence for all the new words learned today.