Online Class Notes (Jesse)

Writing exercise

I worked at this company for 2 years. 我曾在这家公司工作过2年
I had 5 years experience at this company for 5 years. 我曾经有5年工作经验在这家公司
I have been having 5 years experience in this company. 我在这家公司有5年工作经验
I go to supermarket to buy snacks and then I go to a fruit shop to buy fruits.
Last weekend was my friends’ grandfather birthday. My friend and me went to Jinshang District.
We rented a car from her uncle and the car’s age is 12 years. I was feeling terrible like drive a tractor when I drived it.
I haven’t driven a car for a long time,so I was nerrives when I drived. 我很久没有开过车了, 所以我很紧张当我开车的时候
I bought three T-shirts and it was very cheap.
I’ll attend a new class in next week and I am very nerrivers because it is a completely english environment.
Jesse told me that you need to write dairly because we’ll find your problems and we can adjust it. I am very hard to write dairly because I am not good at writing when I write it. I agree with Jesse that write a dairy is very good.
I applied insurance bill for my mother and the company compensated money.
I study new words veryday but I study too quickly and forget quickly.

I worked at this company for 2 years. 我曾在这家公司工作过2年
I have 5 years experience at this company for 5 years. 我曾经有5年工作经验在这家公司
I have been working in this company for 5 years. 我在这家公司有5年工作经验
I go to the supermarket to buy snacks and then I go to a fruit shop to buy fruit.
Last weekend was my friend‘s grandfather’s birthday so / and my friend and I (me and my friend) went to Jinshang District.
We rented a car from her uncle and the car is 12 years old / it was made 12 years ago. I was feeling terrible when I was driving it because it felt like driving a tractor.
I haven’t driven a car for a long time,so when / while / as I was driving I was nervous. 我很久没有开过车了, 所以我很紧张当我开车的时候
I bought three T-shirts and they were very cheap.
I’ll attend a new class in next week and I am very nervous because it is a completely / totally english environment / the environment is totally English.
Jesse told me that you need to write daily because we’ll find your problems and we can adjust them. I think it’s very hard to write because I am not good at writing when I write it. I agree with Jesse that writing a diary is very good. / Writing a diary is good which is what Jesse said and I agree.
I applied for a insurance bill for my mother and the company paid compensation.
I study new words everyday but I study too quickly and forget quickly.


pay = to give money
eg. my boss pays me = my boss gives me a salary

When / as / while I was running, I was feeling sick (the whole time)
When / as / while I was running, I threw up (a specific time)
When I ran yesterday and I threw up (just in the past)
When I ran yesterday and I felt sick (just in the past)

ok / okay – normal
okies / oki doki / okie dokie / okey dokey / okee dokee – cute

it’s different jingan district – it’s different to / from JingAn District
I am the same as you

they have something is very different – they have something that / which is very different
I have a friend that / who is funny


others – other things
eg. I had this apple. Now, I want others.

I will go = future
I am going = now / future
I am going to go = future


3 day feast – eat lots of meals for 3 days to celebrate sth

suitable – shi he