VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

it can melt in the iced water

honey will let you fat —> honey will make you fat/honey will make you gain weight

I’m not eat honey —> I don’t use honey

It can take care of your stomach —> It can treat your stomach problems

you have to eat it without anything —> you have to eat it on an empty stomach

If you have some trouble in your stomach —> if you have some stomach problems/issues

a friend takes a box of maple biscuits —> a friend gave me a box of maple biscuits

It will make me gain heavy —> It will make me gain weight

how long is the hike?

the sound of the glass breaking


dragonboat festival: 端午节

Americano: 美式咖啡

trend: 流行趋势

protein: 蛋白质

on an empty stomach: 空腹

trouble: 麻烦

problems/issues: 问题 (身体上的,工作上的)

fake: 假的

artificial: 人工的

syrup: 糖浆

cough syrup: 咳嗽糖浆

maple syrup: 枫糖浆

strange: 奇怪的

savory: 咸的 (sweet and savory)

Ex: Sherry likes savory meat and not sweet meat.


elsewhere: 别的地方

flavor: 口味

Ex: My favorite ice cream flavor is dark chocolate.

favor: 偏好

berp: 打嗝

brewery: 做啤酒的地方/酒吧

a sip: 一口(喝的)

Ex: Can I have a sip of your beer?

a bite: 一口 (吃的)

Ex: Can I have a bite of your maple biscuit?

crowded: 人多的,很挤的

cooling: 凉爽的

pastor: 牧师

telescope: 望远镜

ceiling window: 天窗

skylight: the light that comes from the ceiling window

in renovation: 在装修中

Ex: The church on top of 佘山 is in renovation.

temple: 庙

magnum: 梦龙

shade: 阴凉地方

Ex: There are a lot of shade on 佘山.

they dug a hole to build a hotel: 他们挖了个洞

uncomfortable: 不舒服

asleep: 进入睡眠

mosquito: 蚊子

fiber: qian wei

Ex: There are a lot of fiber in celery.

least: 最不。。。

least favorite: 最不喜欢的。。。

brocoli: 绿花菜

hike: 爬山徒步

climb: 攀岩

steep: 陡

common: 普遍的


stomach: sto-嚒-k

syrup: siii-rup

savory: sei-ve-ry

strawberry: straw-berry (raw)

mosquito: mus-kee-toe (think of “mojito)


Review all the words and expressions we learned today.