VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

I applied to my visa in Guangzhou —> I applied to get my visa/I applied for my visa

two dose —> two shots (of vaccine)

I emailed to the —> I sent an email to/I emailed ____

live in campus —> to live on campus

when I settle myself down —> when I get settled in

as many jobs will be replaced by artificial intelligence, by machines —> as many jobs will be automated

he was a doctorate —> he was a doctor/he had a doctorate degree

he was not promoted by the leader —> he was not promoted by the dean/boss

I don’t think regulations are good —> I don’t think policies are good

they can’t finish all the goals —> they can’t accomplish all the goals

I’m good at self-conducting —> I’m good at validating myself

at this minute —> at this moment


leasing agent: the person helping tenants look for apartments to rent

to get tenured: 变成终身教授

symptoms: 症状

metabolism: 新陈代谢

to send an email to someone

to email someone

to settle down: 稳定成家

to settle in: 搬好家,适应新的环境


laws: l噢s