VIP Class Notes (JJ)


imitation: 模仿的名词

gender fluidity

oblivious: 盲目的,完全没有感受到周边的环境和影响

upbringing: 成长经历 (the way someone is raised)

ripe: 熟了

Ex: The bananas are ripe.

to be catfished: to be deceived by someone online who is using a fake identity

triggering: 刺激的

my bad: 抱歉,是我的错

dilemma: n. 矛盾的情况

conflicted: 矛盾的

to shoot oneself in the foot

Speaking exercise

It’s not her bad —> It’s not her fault


Imitate: yiiii-么-tate


Write a story of when you shot yourself in the foot.