F2F Class Notes (JJ)

Writing exercise

my actual horoscope sign is Aquarius. which is always known as unique/free/unconstrained/smart/creative/mysterious.
On the one hand,  these characteristics seem generalised but affect me unconsciously, I identify with specific characteristics based on the activity I find myself diving in.

And on the other hand, I always make friends according to their horoscope signs, I naturally have a good impression about wind signs, assuming that we have many common topics and will become good friends.

And I also choose my romantic partners based on their horoscope sign, to see who is more compatible with me, and read their horoscope to find more hints.

From last week’s homework (part 2).
Regarding the reasons why fashion is important to me, i want trace back to my childhood, my mother played a crucial role in me and my awareness of fashion, she likes to read fashion magazines, design clothes by herself and dress me up according to the fashion guide/following the trends in the fashion guide.
Even nowadays, my mom is getting old, and her favorite thing is shopping with her friend, she also likes to dress up and take beautiful photos.

Additionally/in addition, I think fashion is important because real fashion is about self acceptance from a psychological point of view. only when the person fully understands himself/herself, could she/he fashionable.


character: 个性

characteristic: 特点

definition: 意思

to define something: 说出一个东西的意思 (explain)

identity: the facts that make a person who they are  (gender, age, nationality, married or single)

identify: 指出某个东西 (to point out)

narcissist: 自恋的人

narcissistic: 自恋的

to think freely: 自由细想

passive aggressive: 使用冷暴力的

to give someone reassurance: 给某人肯定,安慰,确定

compatible: 匹配的

Ex: Aquarius and scorpios and leos are very compatible.

upbringing: how a person is raised growing up

Ex: A person’s upbringing can shape a person’s character for life.


when listing a few things: make sure they are in the same group (verb or noun or adjectives)

Ex: Aquarius are creative, free, unconstrained and mysterious (all adjectives)


Write about how your psychological state affect your fashion sense and your life.