VIP Class Notes (JJ)

Speaking exercise

The woman takes three cats in their house and called Tom you need to 照顾 three small cats and you can’t bully them. But the three cats are very bad, they pretend Tom want to fight them. They use some firecrackers and Jerry laughed at them. The cats bully Jerry and they used a piece of glass to corner Jerry so Jerry can’t go his home. Then they take Jerry and throw him outside. And three bad cats got beaten up by Tom and Jerry. Tom made three pairs of wings for them.


The woman brought three cats in their house and said to Tom: You need to take care of the three little cats and you can’t bully them. But the three cats are very naughty and they pretend that Tom want to fight them. They used some firecrackers and Jerry laughed at them. The cats bullied Jerry and they used a piece of glass to corner Jerry so he can’t go home. Then they took Jerry and threw him outside. And three naughty cats got beaten up by Tom and Jerry. Tom made three pairs of wings for them.


to corner someone: 堵某个人

a piece of glass: 一块玻璃

firecrackers: 鞭炮

take care of: 照顾

unreliable: 不讲信用

Ex: Everyone on this team is unreliable.

hostage: 人质

play hide and seek: 玩躲猫猫

to bully: 欺负,霸陵


unreliable: un-reeee-lie-able

dry ice: 干冰