VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]

Writing exercise

Previously I was a UI designer at a gaming company where many people may probably think it’s cool to work at, but it was not as fun as it looks like most of time. We had many projects to finish within very limited time frame, so we need to work under great pressure. For instance, I was assigned to work on a short-term project which must be on line within a week, every day my co-workers and I had to work overtime until the early morning of the next day. Furthermore, the working content was laborious in that we had to re-design the web page over and over. However, we still had some fun, for example, once the company planned to push a new game, so all employees were asked to play the game after work. It was really hilarious to fight each other in the game.

Previously I was a UI designer at a gaming company where many people may probably think it’s cool to work, but it was not as fun as it sounds most of time. We had many projects to finish within a very limited time frame, so we needed / had to work under great pressure. For instance, I was assigned to work on a short-term project which was required to be online within a week. Every day my co-workers and I had to work overtime until the early morning of the next day / until early the next day. Furthermore, the working content / work was laborious in that we had to re-design the web page over and over. However, we still had some fun, for example, once the company planned to push a new game, so all employees were asked to play the game after work. It was really hilarious to fight each other in the game.


stroller / pram – baby car

cot – baby bed

i will put as much distance between myself and the spider 

nerf – to make something much weaker / less amazing than before

vanilla WoW – the original wow

I go to work to work on my work 

must do (normal) – had to do / needed to do (past)

online – 1 word

sounds good = from what you said I think it’s good
seems good = when I think about it I think it’s good
looks good = i think it’s good by looking at it