F2F Class Notes (Cricket)[R]


if pigs could fly -the idea that something impossible will not happen

eg. A:” I will get an ”A” on the math test!”   B: ” If pigs could fly.”


There may be good news for coffee lovers. Drinking three cups a day could help you live longer. This is according to researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer and Imperial College London. They looked at data on half a million people over the age of 35. They suggest that drinking coffee means coffee drinkers have an 8-18% lower risk of early death or health problems than non-coffee drinkers.

Not all experts agree. Some say the health benefits of coffee could be because coffee drinkers have more money and so are healthier. Coffee drinkers may socialize more and this could help people to live longer. The research does not prove that drinking coffee has health benefits. The researchers warned against drinking too much coffee. The safe daily amount of caffeine is around 400 mg. More than this increases the risk of panic attacks and heart problems.




For each of the exercises below, circle the correct word or words that maintain the same verb tense in each sentence.

  • By the end of next week, she (will already have completed/has already completed) the assignment for next Monday.
  • On our last trip to NYC, we (had/have) the chance to visit Washington, DC, but we decided to save it for next year’s trip.
  • She (has worked/is working) on the same project for days with no end in sight.
  • Next year, my parents (are celebrating/will be celebrating/have celebrated) their 20th wedding anniversary.
  • He (did not attend/is not attending/will not be attending) the presentation yesterday because he was out sick.
  • The couple (had been/were/has been) living together for three years when they decided to make it official by getting married.
  • (Did you ever see/have you ever seen/do you ever see) anything unusual going on in the apartment on the third floor?
  • While the dancer (was warming up/warmed up/had been warming up), the rest of the troupe went back on stage to take a bow.
  • Whenever my sister talks to the fellow she has a crush on, she (gets/got) butterflies in her stomach.

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