VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Go back through your last 5-6 classes and choose some words to use in a story. Don’t correct yourself too much unless you’re 100% sure it’s wrong.

Writing exercise

Normally in the summer months in Shanghai I need to put a lot of bug spray in my legs and arms. But this year I learned other form how to control that annoying the bug bite.
Two months ago when I was in Colombia, my cousin Sandra told me about a pill took when she went to a city in Amazons. (Amazons is an area of Colombia a zone where there is most jungle)
So, now I take this pills named Tiamina, that really is vitamin B1, since to mosquitos doesn’t like this in my blood, After that I keeps bug away from me.

Normally in the summer months in Shanghai I need to put a lot of bug spray on my legs and arms. But this year I learned another way to control that annoying bug bite. 
Two months ago when I was in Colombia, my cousin Sandra told me about a pill (that) she took when she went to a city in the Amazon which is an area of Colombia where there is mostly jungle.
So, now I take these pills named Tiamina, which really is vitamin B1, since mosquitos don’t like this in my blood. After that I keep bug away from me / myself.


room temperature – water / sth that is the same temperature as the room

typhoon makes landfall – touch the land

the most highthe highest 

insect repellent – stops bugs from coming to you
bug spray – insect killer – kills bugs

another / other
an + other = 1 + other = another 

form – the way sth looks / is created / is made / is shaped