VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


stall / bully / promotion / sip / nibble / carbs 


on my office – at my office 

i listen K-pop music – i listen to K-pop music

I have a computer which is black
I am teaching a student now which I do every day

My student is a girl and I am teaching her and she is pretty.


generic – normal and uninteresting

mainstream – most people like it / designed for normal people
eg. I don’t really like mainstream kpop

lip-sync – to “sing” without actually singing, just by using a CD track
eg. they were lip syncing the whole performance

Writing exercise

Currently the weather is getting warm and warm which is already more than 20 Celcius and people wear less layer than winter.As the old saying which is if you don’t lose weight in March then you will be vulnerable in April.Then I clenched my fish and said I will lose 10 Kgs before this summer.At same time I preached my friends and colleagues do some change which is eat protein instead of rice and work out every night after work.
Hope we can do it and wear fancy and fashionable clothes in summer.

Currently the weather is getting warmer and warmer and it is already more than 20 degrees celcius and people wear less layers than in winter. As the old saying goes “if you don’t lose weight in March then you will feel vulnerable in April”. Then I clenched my fist and said I will lose 10 Kgs before this summer. At the same time I preached to my friends and colleagues to do the same change which is eat protein instead of rice and work out every night after work.
I hope we can do it and wear fancy and fashionable clothes in summer.