VIP Class Notes (Jesse)*** [W]
for business (n)
to study (v)
enroll in a school
mainstream – the normal / most popular way or thing
eg. pop music is mainstream but heavy metal isn’t
the biggest lesson I learned while I was in Japan was …
marks (in general) / score (each test)
eg. I did well at school so I got a high score for every test
eg. you shouldn’t bother other people
i got to know japan more and more – learned more about japan
as i said before…
but now I’m not so sure
retired / retirement
eg. if i want to retire in japan
eg2. I need at least 10,000,000 for retirement in Japan
they do the things that they want = they do what they want
did the job – worked
Writing exercise
*** next class
My free style stroke had some improvement last weekend when I started the swimming about two months before.I swam 28M once a time and that was first time for me. I was taking breathe more than enough and relaxed to do the movement. My legs kicked the water and my arms pulled the water were more effective.When I finished the swimming that’ s feeling was amazing,i’ll keep to go to the swimming pool when I have some time,because I thought if I want to improve to swimming and need to do more practice.
My free style stroke had some improvement last weekend when I started the swimming about two months before.I swam 28M once a time and that was first time for me. I was taking breathe more than enough and relaxed to do the movement. My legs kicked the water and my arms pulled the water were more effective.When I finished the swimming that’ s feeling was amazing,i’ll keep to go to the swimming pool when I have some time,because I thought if I want to improve to swimming and need to do more practice.
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