F2F Class Notes (Sonia)


Review the vocabulary from LAST LESSON

make sentences with these words:






if someone asks me what something which I don’t know about I will feel pressured

which: when you are choosing something,

what: it could be anything

e.g what is your favourite movie?

e.g which type of coffee do you like?

I’m confused what you say mean –>I’m confused what you meant(past tense)

I think it is very complicated because I make me someone happy –>I think it is very complicated to stay happy together/ to continuously make someone happy


laptop: a computer you can carry

I am confused(v) because english is very complicated

english is very confusing(adj) and complicated(adj) *can use confuse as adj and verb

complicated and difficult are NOT the same

e.g My laptop is a very complicated machine, so I need someone to help me fix it

My laptop is a very difficult machine, so I need someone to help me fix it

continuously(adv): to keep going

I think it is very complicated to continuously make someone happy

direct–> directness (about how direct he is)

we are friends because I like his direct

we are friends because I like his directness


flirt: flɜːt

complicated: kɒm.plɪ.keɪ.tɪd