VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


clothes / close 

Writing exercise

There 3 reasons about why most of girls don’t like winter.
First is that we can’t wear fashionable clothes.We are always beated by the cold weather,we have no choice to wear thick coats except figure flattering dresses.
It’s hard to keep fit on winter.

There are 3 reasons that / why most girls don’t like winter.
The first is that we can’t wear fashionable clothes and we are always beaten by the cold weather, so we have no choice but to wear thick coats instead of figure flattering dresses / skin tight dresses
Secondly, it’s hard to keep fit in winter as you can’t control your diet and your body requires more energy and fat. Your body spends less energy than in summer so it is easy for your body to get fat. 
Lastly, in winter it is not easy to dry clothes and we have to spend more time on it which is annoying. Also, you have to spend more money on laundry.


Lastly, in winter, clothes can’t get dry easily.
Lastly, in winter, you can’t get your clothes dry easily.
Lastly, in winter, drying your clothes is really hard.

English is easy for me to learn.

It is easy for me to learn English.


bandana – my hat

gang – hei dao

housework – cleaning 

I am used to sth / doing sth – xi guan
I used to do sth – in the past I did it, but now I don’t

get dressed = put on

wear = already put on
eg. I have a shower and then get dressed. I like to wear bright colors during summer.

cramps your style – stops you from being able to relax
eg. I don’t like wearing thick winter clothes because it cramps my style

instead of / rather than / as opposed to
eg. We don’t have coffee, I’m sorry. Would you like tea instead?

except = not talking about / not considering sth
eg. except for Red, I hate all colors = I hate every color, but not red.

a lot of girls
most girls
most of the girls (in China)

most of the time – shi jian (generally / always)
most times – ci (often / mostly)