VIP Class Notes (Jesse) [W]


Read the writing from today at home – practice the AEIOU sounds we did today. Especially “when”



so he only got 25% of his answers correct 

weigh – “way” – to check your weight
eg. when I weigh him I think he is very heavy

Writing exercise

From this semester, my son begins to study decimal calculating at school. There were many mistakes in his mathematical homework. The possible reasons are that he always has little enthusiasm for learning math and he isn’t used to calculating decimals. His thoughts was chaotic when he done his exercises, which led to the number of his error titles reaching three-fourths yesterday. I was crazy and almost lost my patience, but I thought it would be necessary to help him on the weekend.

From this semester, my son begins to study decimal calculation at school. There were many mistakes in his maths homework. The possible reasons are that he always has little enthusiasm for learning math(s) and he isn’t used to calculating decimals. His thoughts were chaotic when he was doing his exercises, which led to the number of his errors reaching three-fourths yesterday. I was crazy and almost lost my patience, but I thought it would be necessary to help him on the weekend.


when – “wenna wen”

maths – ma thsss

mass – ma ss

clothes – cloe thzz

close – cloe zz

but – don’t say “butter”