F2F Class Notes (Tony)


I did some exercise the other day

Today I will do legs, arms, back, chest

personal trainer

my sweater matches my pants (they have the same color)

Why are Asians so successful when they go to USA?

they are educated

they can speak English very well

before they move to the U.S. they already have some money

they study hard and work hard

they always look for professional and stable jobs

they follow the American dream

sore – a feeling you have in your muscles, when you use them too much, like at the gym.

eg: My legs are really sore, because I did legs at the gym yesterday.

Cardio – short for cardiovascular, which means all things related to your heart

eg: Tomorrow I will do arms, then the next day I will do cardio.

discrimination – to treat someone different because of who they are, black, white, asian, man, woman, gay, straight

eg: Sorry we don’t sell cakes to gay people.    That’s discrimination!

citizen – belong to or a member of that country, have that passport

eg: If you are born in America then you are an American citizen.


he goes to the gym


-lead in income
-median annual income
-along with education

he’s an ethnic Russian/Chinese from New York.

racial problems will always exist

earn – Errn