VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

tight – very well made, paced, structured, delivered
eg. it’s a really tight movie

pickle – suan huang gua

sci-fi = “sy fy” = science fiction

flora (plants) / fauna (animals)

indecisive – hard to make decisions
eg. he’s really indecisive at times

he decapitates him for deserting his post – to cut off his head

to desert your post = to leave your position = to go AWOL (absent without leave)

presumably – assume (adv)
eg. he is presumably angry, considering we plotted against him

eg. the warlords in china were united by Mao

illegitimate – “ileh JIT a mat”

forgo = to not accept / to give up
eg. i sometimes forgo my bonus to make my boss happy

entourage – a group of people that follows you somewhere

provoke – like poke but with words / to make sb angry deliberately
eg. my brother used to provoke me to get a reaction