F2F Class Notes (Tony)


Do you know how to tie (V.) a tie (N.)?

Can you tie my shoes?   No, you tie them!

Hua Jiao(Sichuan pepper) makes your mouth tingle.

The holidays – In USA, it is the time of year around Thanksgiving, (November)  Through Christmas and until New Year’s Eve. (Dec. 31st) New Year’s Day Jan. 1st.

eg: The holidays are very profitable for businesses.

Turkey – huo ji

eg: Most families eat Turkey on Thanksgiving.

sandals – open style shoes

eg: I have many different pairs of sandals.

a wrap – usually for food, something wrapped up in bread or tortilla

tortilla – a very flat and thin style of sth. like bread.

eg: You can use tortillas to make a lot of good wraps.

hot sauce – spicy sauce, la jiao jiang

eg: Americans love hot sauce on anything.

I.V. – intravenous, a needle doctors put in your arm, to put liquid into your blood.

eg: The doctor gave him an I.V.


tortilla – (Spanish Word)    Tor  Tee Ya.