VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


A Time When You Stayed Away from Home
Describe a time when you stayed (far) away from your home. You should say:
where it was
how long you stayed there
what you did there (or, why you stayed there) and explain how you felt about it

write the answer and tell me next class


graphics – the way a game looks
eg. the graphics are amazing

professional / technical / advanced – high technology

in touch with – talk to sb / contact

to get experience with / be involved with / use cameras

a deck of cards
eg. I used to play with a deck of cards

during the break / between classes

a friend of mine / one of my friends 


become tobecome 

have tookhave taken 

it is not only because that it looks cool – it is not only because it looks cool 

not many things for playing – not many things to play with 


configure – kon fig ur

school – make sure you pronounce the “L” at the end

Describe a meal you treated others (at home or restaurant)
Where you had this meal
What you ate
Who you treated
How you felt about it

adding details to the answer 

I ate some bbq meat
others ate what?
how long did u eat for?
how much?
how eat it?
what did it look like?
how did it taste?
who said what about it?