VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


Use the review words from today in some writing

Needs more review

level / floor
eg. we are on level 9
eg2. we are on the 9th floor

Beginner -> Intermediate -> Upper-Intermediate -> Advanced

lose weight < > gain weight 

thermos – re shui hu

eg. we are on the 9th floor

security guard – bao an 


video – vi dee oh – strong F
widow – wi dow – w is shaped like “o”


1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third
4th = forth 
5th = fifth ..

1 time = once
2 times = twice
3 times = 3 times
4 times = 4 times 

sneakers – sports shoes

oven – kao xiang

wok (chinese) / pan (normal)

convenience store – bian li dian

I am used to getting up early / I am used to it
I used to live in Japan / I lived in Japan before