VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

dunkirk, interstellar, the prestige, the dark knight.


Use these words in a story about yourself / your life.

Protein, celcius, fist, vanish, vulnerable, preach, litter, trim.


current – now
eg. in your current job / in the job that you are in now

Oscar winning movie / nominated movie

science fiction – sci fi

fictitious things – things that aren’t real

win / won

progressive – in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change
eg. Hollywood is super progressive

eg. the Oscars this year were very competitive so I though the winner would be good

mutant – a genetic change that creates a new creature

mermaid – fish / human (female)
merman – fish / human (male)

reality < > fantasy 

turkish delight 

I am on a diet 
eg. if you are on a diet you shouldn’t eat too much sweet food




needn’tdon’t need

we rarely use English at the office we don’t use English at work very often