VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


i don’t know what this is – wo bu zhi dao zhe ge shi shenme

what is this? – zhe ge shi shenme?

hey mate, how’s it goin? = hey friend, how are you?

yeah pretty good mate, how bout you? = fine thank you friend, and you?

how long have you been in Australia for?

I have been in Australia for 1 month

What grade / year were you in in China?

I was in grade 6 in China but I didn’t finish the year

plus +


equals =

how many? / how much? 

how many more ____ than ____?

there are 2 more ____ than ____

there is a cup on the table

i have a cup

breakfast – 1st meal of the day

morning tea – snack / tea / coffee

lunch – 2nd meal of the day

afternoon tea – snack / tea / coffee

dinner – 3rd meal of the day


Start school 8:30AM – 3:45PM

Roll call – who is here and who is sick

Assembly – talk to all the students about important things


recess / break – 11AM


lunch – 12:45PM


afternoon recess – 2PM


Home time!!