VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


we haveĀ known each other for more than 10 years

we were very surprisedwe never imagined

noticed a difference between both of them noticed there was a difference between themĀ 

because of a girl they haven’t start dating yet because of a girl that he hadn’t even started dating yetĀ 

complaint on themabout themĀ 


their movementsĀ 

courting period – before they’re together

forbidden loveĀ 

lovey dovey – the cute little things couple do like call each other cute names

head over heels / blind with loveĀ 

stand sb up
eg. he stood her up over a girl / for a girl

informations / excitements / afternoon teasĀ – no “s”

girls night out – lots of girls going out together

when she goes out with one of her friends, he would show up, and make the friend a 3rd wheelĀ 

fascinating / interesting

envy on themenvy them
eg. a lot of us envy their relationship

your best support stand up for (support) you and be by your sideĀ 

2 peas in a pod – a couple that is perfect together

make fun of / mock / bitching aboutĀ 

brides maid / maid of honorĀ 
grooms men / best manĀ 

on my normal daysĀ on my days off / in my free timeĀ 

it was like we’d known each other our whole lives

by that time – during a period of time (so far)
eg. I was in grade 5, and by that time I had already had a girlfriend or two.

at that time – at a specific time – use this generally
eg. when I was a kid i had lots of friends and at that time I was a really bad student