VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


what we are going to do is ….  / what are we going to do?

by free – for free

essential flavors of the base ingredient

layers / sections – parts of the fish

some kind of wooda certain kind of wood
eg. there is a certain process that we need to follow for each project

peer pressure – when people follow the people around them to try to fit in
eg. i started smoking due to peer pressure

introverted < > extroverted 

commercial musicpop 

enter in the car get in the car 

relaxing < > energetic 

put music on

debut – first song / album / release
eg. i like her debut music more

peak – the best time of someone’s career


famous – fay muss

olive oil – one word like “olivoil

month – munth

sauce – sorss

joke – joek