VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


  1. How long have you known your best friend? – add as much detail as you can!


it’s an interview with / of a rich man

did you see / have you seen?

if you look closely you can tell – if you focus on it you can know the difference

you can tell the difference between them < > you mix them up

outlook – what you think about the future
eg. my outlook is positive

appearance / looks – yang zi

skill / ability / talent
eg. she got famous because of her talent, not her looks.

there is a sentence that got popular in the last year

bicker – to have little fights / arguments about things constantly

tired / tiring
bored / boring
annoyed / annoying
eg. I am tired because this class was tiring

there has a good environment – it has sth there / there is sth there

needn’t < > don’t need