F2F Class Notes (Tony)


stigma – something that people often look down on, or have a negative view about. Even if it is an unfair belief or view.

eg: There is a social stigma about women not being married before they are 30.

look down on – when someone thinks they are better(higher) than other people who are worse (lower)

eg: It is arrogant to look down on many people.

legit – short for legitimate, being real or verified as real and not fake or imagined

eg: He had a legit reason to look down on them. They were cheating.

food stamps – ticket you can use for certain food items at certain stores.

eg: You can apply for food stamps if your income is low enough.


Perfect Grammar???

Don’t really study grammar rules. Instead study grammar by reading, and then writing. This is how to practice putting phrases together.

1. Never finish a sentence with a preposition. (Nobody cares about this rule)

Which store did you go to?  (this is technically incorrect)

2. Yes, He did

No, He didn’t

It isn’t a big deal, if you say:    Only the second part matters, to be clear.

Yes, he didn’t.


No, He did.