VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Needs more review

good>>> describe noun
well >>> describe verb
ex: He is a good singer, he sings well. 

eg. I am well = I feel OK / I’m not sick …
eg2. I am good = ability / feeling
eg3. I feel good = happy
eg4. I feel well = not sick

good – never means “not sick” 
well – either means “not sick” or “zuo de hao” 


completely different / very different
eg. the industry I’m working in now is completely different to my old job

I went to many places “ee jee” / for example Tokyo and Osaka.

industry – hang ye
eg. I work in this industry / I have worked in this industry for 10 years

horror movies – scary movies

disgusting – e xin
eg. he likes really disgusting things / I think they are disgusting

I gave birth to my son in 2010. My son was born in 2010.

metabolism – 新陈代谢
carbs / carbohydrates – tan shui
eg. he eats so many carbs but his metabolism is really fast so he doesn’t get fat / doesn’t gain weight

gain weight < > lose weight 

it’s that time of the month / it’s my time of the month – ayi lai le

When I was in Japan, I went out with my mum and brother.

Groceries (things you buy) / grocery shopping
eg. Me and my son go grocery shopping on weekends / on the weekend

whenever – no set time – anytime I need it
eg. we just go shopping whenever
eg2. there is no set time – we just shop when we need to.

pants – ku zi

toys – wan ju

window shopping – to go to the shops and just look at things
eg. I like going window shopping / I like to go window shopping

every weekend my husband goes out with us because we are used to having brunch on family day. We don’t plan to go shopping, but the shops are very close to the restaurant so we just have a look.


verb noun
Taking care of my son is busier than working overtime.
teaching English is fun
drinking coffee makes me happy

I went to the shops to shop
I go shopping at the shops

read the news / watch the news 

at – point – short time
on – day – middle
in – period – long time
eg. in the morning / in 2019 / in January
eg2. On the weekend / On Christmas day / On my birthday

during = in – feeling like a period of time
eg. during the day / during CNY / during Xmas


favourite – “fay vret”