F2F Class Notes (Raph)[S]


Demise (n): 1- the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system:
E.g.: The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected.

Incentivize (v): 1- to make someone want to do something.
E.g.: We need to incentivize our sales managers to achieve these targets.

Status (n): 1- the amount of respect, admiration, or importance given to a person, organization, or object.
E.g.: high/low status
E.g.: As the daughter of the president, she enjoys high status among her peers.
E.g.: The leaders were often more concerned with status than with the problems of the people.


It’s difficult to consume so many garbage. – It’s difficult to consume so much garbage.

I work in a logistics company which name is DHL. – I work in a logistics company named DHL.

When I was was in university we haven’t this major for HR. – When I was in university HR majors didn’t exist. 

Speaking exercise


Many years ago, China is not rich enough, maybe some business person find it’s a good business to import garbage from other countries. The government had no regulations to import the garbage, so they grabbed the opportunity to make money. Now the government pay more attention on the pollution issue. In recent years, the government set up a lot of laws regarding the pollution and punished the guys who do such business to import. Also the social media developed very fast in China, such kind of business are easy to be revealed to the public which is a good channel to prevent to avoid this.


Many years ago, China was not a rich country, so some business people found it was a good business to import garbage from other countries. The government had no regulations on the import of garbage, so they took the opportunity to make money. In recent years the government has been paying more attention to pollution, setting up a lot of laws regarding the issue and punishing those who are involved in such business. Also, social media has developed very fast in China, making it easy to expose this kind of business to the public and, therefore, to prevent it from happening / facilitating its demise (=end / downfall).


Pedestrian: /pəˈdes.tri.ən/

Series: /ˈsɪr.iːz/

Serious: /ˈsɪr.i.əs/

Scene: /siːn/

Incentivize: /ɪnˈsen.t̬ə.vaɪz/