VIP Class Notes (Jesse)

Forest Gump – “life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get”


porcelain – china – “pore sa lin

sales assistant = shop assistant

rejected – to say no + to send it back

refused – to say no

talked it up – to talk about the strengths of sth a lot to make it sound amazing
eg. Jesse talked up Forest Gump a lot… he said it was the BEST MOVIE EVERRR!!

it wouldn’t work on him

the gift of the gab – good at talking

blessing in disguise – hidden good things
eg. it was a blessing in disguise that i failed my masters exam

i didn’t want to continue my studies 

valued it very importantvalued it very much / regard it as very important 

the line between good and bad is blurred 

I really dodged a bullet 

i got home

frustrating – annoying and tiring

analogy – a story / metaphor to explain sth
eg. that’s a good analogy

leave an impression on people
make sth stick in people’s minds
be really memorable 

impressive = amazing / wow

inaccessible – hard to get involved in / hard to understand

shelter = a roof over our heads