VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


recently I have been busy
recently I have been traveling a lot

I am busy
I am traveling

get better / recover 

antibiotics – kill bacteria medicine – “antee bye oticks”
eg. if you have an infection you should take antibiotics

i give my patients some advice which is to brush twice a day

not using which: I bought a computer. It is expensive.
using which: I bought a computer which is expensive.
describe idea: I bought a computer which makes me so happy.

I got married last year which is something that makes me really happy which is important because happiness is good for us.

I want my patients to brush twice a day which is hard for most people because they’re lazy and busy.

braces – orthodontics – “bray sez”
eg. I will take the braces off once the teeth are straight and then we can make a mould of your teeth for the retainer

retainer – after braces thing – “re tain er”
eg. you will wear the retainer for at least 1 year all day and night except when you brush and eat.

quality – zhi liang
eg. at our clinic we only use the best quality materials so the price is higher for the service

the cheaper will not last as long as the more expensive one

the better quality version will be 80% the same as your natural teeth and can last for your whole life if you take care of it. It will also integrate into the bone more naturally. The cheaper one will make the bone shrink which is bad for your mouth and teeth.

surgery / operation – shou shu
eg. I will have surgery on my foot next month
eg2. I will do a surgery on a patient’s mouth tomorrow / I have a surgery tomorrow / I have surgery tomorrow / I will perform an operation

disgusting / horrible – e xin – “dis gus ting”

maintain – “mayn tayn” – to keep the quality the same during a treatment
eg. I maintain my health by eating well and going to the gym
eg2. We need to maintain the braces by cleaning, and tightening often

maintenance = straightening, cleaning, repair etc
eg. the maintenance is very important so you must not be lazy and always be careful. If you don’t maintain them well, it will take longer to fix your teeth.

so = which means
eg. I think it will rain tomorrow which means we can’t go out

when the treatment is ending and I take off the braces they need

floss (n / v) – ya xian


At the moment your mouth is too crowded, which means that if we put the braces on now, there will be no room for all of your teeth in your mouth. So, we want your teeth to be straight, so we need to take out 4 teeth, but we will only take the least important teeth. If you can’t accept taking out these 4 teeth, I’m afraid we cannot put the braces on.

Everything is included, the operation to put the braces on, the maintenance which includes straightening and cleaning every month, any repairs that are needed…