F2F Class Notes (Cricket)


crack down on– start to implement  a system to hold people accountable

eg. If the Chinese government cracked down on labor laws the citizens would be much happier.

eg. My boyfriend is cracking down on me using my cell phone when we are together.


They are professionals in University. They are University professors.

He didn’t live with them. He doesn’t live with them.

The husband have a female assistant. The husband has a female assistant. 

The assistant has feelings for the man.

They have marriage problems.

They all pitch in to take care of him. They all help out with taking care of him.

She is hardly to get asleep.  She is having trouble sleeping. She is having sleep problem. She is not getting enough sleep.

She did an exercise last night. She exercised last night.

She will sometimes go back to live for one week. She goes to my grandfather’s house to stay for a week or more.

She goes to take care of her dad once every one or two months.

It’s not bad except boss attitude. It’s not bad except for the boss’s attitude.


sales-sails   no ‘R’ sound