VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


not the particular one what im doing nownot the particular one that I’m doing now / not what I’m doing now

that = add some details
which = add new detail

the job = clear, no need to guess
the one that = unclear, thing I said before
the thing that, unclear, need to guess
what = unclear, need to guess


branch / office – location
eg. there is no branch in TianJing

digits / numbers
eg. the first 3 digits are the code for your city of birth

letter = a-z

characters (symbol)= anything you can type

area code – 021 = shanghai +86 = China
post code – 200000

disclose our private information / personal details – tell people your private stuff

maturity (n)
eg. Sometimes maturity is connected to age

it’s necessary / it’s a necessity (n)

profiling – judging people based on personal details
eg. profiling is common within companies hiring processes

star sign – xin zuo
eg. what is your star sign? / what star sign are you?

Astrology – the study is star signs / combinations of stars together

Aquarius – shui ping
eg. I’m aquarius