VIP Class Notes (Jesse)


most of the time = most of the time these days
most of time = most of history

clingy – hard to let go / needy
eg. some guys are really clingy at the start of the relationship

possessive – when someone acts like they own their partner  

jealous & possessive

vice versa
eg. people who are jealous are often possessive, and vice versa (and the other way too)  

to some extent = in some ways = to some degree 
eg. to some extent im free, but not 100%

my shoelaces came undone / loose / untied 

expect = think it should happen
looking forward to sth = anticipate

relatively / relative
eg. freedom is relative… someone in jail would consider themselves more free than someone who’s dying. but someone who works 12 hours a day, would feel less free than someone who works only 6 hours. so, freedom is relative.

relevant < > irrelevant

their actual age often doesn’t represent their maturity 

they are in the same age at the same age

immature < > mature

she has no ambition or direction

wu ye – building management