VIP Class Notes (Mason)


Hypothetical – A situation which is made up

eg. Let me give you a hypothetical example.

Wanderlust – To love to travel.

Content – to be satisfied

eg. I’m content with my current situation

Jaded – some one who is bored with the world

eg. The old man became very jaded over the years.

Bitter – Someone who is mean or rude

Chivalrous – Respectful to women

eg: I want to meet a chivalrous person in the future.

Spontaneous – to act quickly or with forethought

eg. She quit her job spontaneously.


So much things I could do – So many things I could to

Make the atmosphere to be not have so much pressureI would like my work atmosphere to have less pressure.

Such much spaceSo much space


Careful with she/he
