VIP Class Notes (Ben) [S]


posh = classy and expensive, or speaking in a superior way
I like posh restaurants, even if they are expensive.
If you are posh with your friends, they will leave you.


There was a test today.


college = university

colleague = someone who works with you

Speaking exercise

Let’s talk about your home town or village.
• What kind of place is it?
• What’s the most interesting part of your town/village?
• What kind of jobs do the people in your town/village do?
• Would you say it’s a good place to live? (Why?)

I come from Changsha, it’s a middle city of China. Changsha is famous by their entertainment thing, because we have a famous TV show all over the country and the most interest part of our city is food and it always show in the TV show.

It’s a good place to live because we have a casual culture, because we like gathering with our friend and taste good food and night snacks with our friend.
So I think it’s a good place to live.

I come from Changsha, it’s a city in the middle of China. Changsha is famous for its entertainment, because we have a famous TV show all over the country and the most interesting part of our city is food and it is always shown on TV shows.

(show / showed / shown)

It’s a good place to live because we have a casual culture,  we like gathering with our friends and taste good food and night snacks with them.
So I think it’s a good place to live.

with me
with him
with her
with them
with us

— Teacher’s version —

I come from Changsha, which is one of China’s most famous cities.

Changsha is located pretty close to the center of China.

Changsha is famous for its entertainment industry. We have a TV show that is famous all over the country.

One of the most interesting things in our city is its food and it is always being shown on TV shows.

I’d say it’s a good place to live because we have a pretty casual culture. We really like meeting our friends for good food and night snacks.
So overall, I think it’s an amazing place to live.

Expressions that make you sound native:

  • amazing
  • pretty
  • I’d say
  • all over
  • really
  • its/my/your (MY train was late and I missed MY plane. MY city is famous for ITS food.)