VIP Class Notes (Ally)

Next Class Focus

confident vs confident enough


road trip: drove
ie. We took a road trip …

eve: night of festival

gullible: 易受骗的; 轻信的; 易上当的

overachiever: someone who’s really ambitious, chasing after new goals/challenges all the time


on holiday/on vacation (general concept)
for Christmas holidays (specific holiday)

Speaking exercise

I just sent a message to Judy to ask for the classroom number.
-> I just sent a message to Judy to check where we are today.
-> I just sent a message to Judy looking for you.

Before I coming to classroom, I was reviewing last your classes.
-> Before I came/When I was on my way here/when I was waiting outside, I was reviewing the notes of our last class./our notes from last class./the notes from our last class together/from the class I had with you.

The girl who just left was crying.

I just came out an idea.
-> An idea just popped out/came out.
-> I just thought of something./I just had an idea.

They had -> no longer have it
They have the PR.

June of last year.

I have been there for work/play/vacation/visiting/2 months…

It doesn’t have the…
-> There’s no holiday feeling/vibe.
-> It doesn’t feel like Chinese New Year.

I should have to go to Hefei.
I should go to Hefei. (It’s appropriate for me to go to Hefei… It’s good to do sth…)
-> I was going to (plan) go to Hefei… I was planning to go to Hefei … My plan was to go to Hefei..

how (is that ) so?” -> “why do you say that?”

is precise and to the point.

my boss commented me …
my boss thought I’m not confident during my English presentations./I’m not confident enough to give presentations.