Online Class Notes (Jesse)


bolddark black writing
eg. One f is bold but the other is not



attic – a room above your house, through a trapdoor
cellar / basement – a room under your house, through a trapdoor

Writing exercise

Mr Bean looks through the keyhole into the living room which is Mrs Wicket’s. He sees the smell which is good so he followes the smell into the kitchen and he sees a big chocolate cake on the table! X infinity. He slices of a piece of the cake. When he was just about to eat it, Mrs Wicket’s cat goes through the cat flap into the kichen.

Mr Bean looks through the keyhole into the living room which is Mrs Wicket’s. He sees the smell which is good so he followes the smell into the kitchen where he sees a big / an enormous / a giant chocolate cake on the table! X infinity. He slices off a piece of the cake. When he was just about to eat it, Mrs Wicket’s cat who’s named Scrapper / whose name is Scrapper goes through the cat flap into the kitchen.

(Speaking next class)

Speaking exercise

and he growled at MB. MB tells scrapper to stop but scrapper’s growling just get louder then he heard a big loud bang and MB looks out of the window just in time to see MW is going into his garden and walking straight for the door.

and then MB looks at the cake and wonders what he will do, then he gets an idea and runs out of the kitchen and out of the door and up the staircase. When MW gets into the door she sees that the cake was eaten then he sees Scrapper or her cat looking at her and it standed right beside the crumbs of the cake and scrapper followed the cake crumbs to a door. MW is angry so he follows Scrapper and help him open the door.

I went to my bedroom, where I sleep every night. = I went to my bedroom and in that place I sleep every night