VIP Class Notes (Ally)


prospects: 可能性; 希望; 前景; 展望; 设想

pros and cons: 利弊; 优缺点

surreal: above-real, 离奇的; 怪诞的; 梦幻般的; 超现实的;

prestige: 威信; 声望; 威望;

discrepancy: 差异; 不符合; 不一致

“tough love” : 严厉的爱(为帮助而严厉对待有问题的人);

“baby steps” 一步一步来

juggle: when you have lots of things to do at one time(v)玩杂耍(连续向空中抛接多个物体); 尽力同时应付(两个或两个以上的重要工作或活动);

prime time: golden time


get to know = 了解的过程
know = 知道了

Speaking exercise

He briefly told me the situation of the company.
He briefly told me about the company.

I seem like the interview.
It seemed like I was the/I seemed like the interviewer, not the interviewee.

He just come to this company for 3 month. He is a new one.
He has only been at this company for 3 months. So he is a new employee.

He is the boss’s boss in this round interview.
He is the big boss/boss of my boss in this round’s interview.

I haven’t decided. = I’m still considering = It’s still under consideration

It is totally change job.
It’s a totally new challenge for me.
It’s too much/big of a change.
It’s completely new to me.

The time is not ….(adj)
The time is not good for looking for new job opportunities.
It’s not the ideal season for job-hunting.

July and August is the golden time to change jobs./to find new jobs.

The company is a small company. It has 50 members. I had 3 rounds of  interview. And the 2nd round interview is the director -boss. I can sense she’s a very kind person, full of experiences. In the last round of interview, the big boss, she’s a very kind woman and told me about the doctor’s experiences. She knows my situation/she shares a similar experience and told me that I should/suggested that I  think thoroughly about this job and told me a lot of things that when you change the job, you should pay attention… the things I pay attention to.

I don’t have to work for 36 hours continuously.
I don’t have to work for 36 hours straight.

It’s due to(pronounce do to) two different thing. Something I don’t care very much, it’s just whatever.
It depends on what we’re talking about. For things I don’t care too much about, …

I want to know the situations of other companies.
I want to know about other companies. I want to find out more about other companies.

It is different from …
It (the real job situation/content/specifics) is different from what/how I imagined before./my thinking from before.
My understandings from before and after are different.

The result is。。。
I can’t be sure of the result.
