VIPX2 Class Notes (Ally)


“come out” (of the closet) :  tell the world you’re gay
ie. After we broke up, my ex-boyfriend came out.

cheat on: 出轨
ie. Kristen Stewart cheated on Robert Pattinson with an ugly director.

“other woman”: Xiao san
ie. I don’t want to be the other woman.

indescribable: 难以形容的; 无法言传的
ie. Boys’ rooms are indescribable and I never want to see one again.

avoid my question: 逃避问题
ie. Annie never avoids Ally’s questions.

ie. I will watch movies randomly. I watched a random movie yesterday.

sue: (v)告 (律师)
ie. This teacher made us stay at school so some students want to sue him.

colonised: 被殖民
ie. HLJ was colonised by the Soviet Union.

ie. Politically speaking, China is one country….

war prisoner(he’s in jail already)/criminal(he might be in jail or out):战犯
ie. WYF is probably the most handsome and famous prisoner ever.

prison/jail: 监狱
ie. WYF is in jail.

collapse: ta
ie. Ally’s “house” collapsed.

frame/set up:冤枉
ie. People will never frame Annie for stealing things because she is a good person.

drug lords:贩毒大佬
ie. In prison, WYF met a lot of drug lords.

comedy: 喜剧
ie. The majority of US audience like comedies. (n)

scardy cat/coward:胆小鬼
ie. Annie is such a scardy cat/coward.

ie. Annie can only eat mildly spicy food.

third wheel:电灯泡
ie. I don’t want to go to the MS with my friend because I don’t want to be the third wheel.

ie. There is a skull in that room.

ie. Boys are very immature.

ie. Bing has a Chinese and an overseas version.

ie. I don’t have my own account, I just use the guest account./sign in as a guest.

COVID-19: 心冠肺炎
ie. Due to COVID-19, foreigners can’t enter China right now.

cosy:舒适的; 温暖舒适的(尤指狭小的室内地方); 亲密无间的; 密切的
ie. Ally’s apartment is very cosy.

ie. Working from your bed is not good for your spine.

duvet: 被子

snuggle up: 依偎
ie. Snuggle up in our duvet.

dress up:特别打扮
ie. Annie, why are you so dressed up today?

spare: spare time, spare tire 不用的; 闲置的
ie. (v) Can you spare(put aside) some time for your family?
ie. (adj) This is the only spare table. (not in use)
ie. (n) I broke my pen. Do have a spare?

proper: 适当的; 正确的; 恰当的; 符合规则的; 真正的; 像样的
ie. Can you find a proper boyfriend next time?

posture: 体态

ie. My muscles feel very strained. I strained(v) my leg.
ie. My relationship with my father is very strained.(adj).

mental: (adj) mental health vs physical health
ie. Mental health is just as important as physical health.

doze off: mi zhe
ie. He dozed off during our meeting.


Let us speak English in class! – Let’s
The school doesn’t let us … – permission

Speaking exercise

I listened to the gay.
Sounds like “gay”

can’t put it in words

catch them out
select them randomly

It’s so more
That’s a lot.

always do not have so much homework
never have so much homework
always have only a little bit of homework

let some bad student stay after school till 8 or 9 o’clock. But now they can only let them stay for 2 or 3 hours.

The teacher makes some bad student stay after school till 8 or 9 o’clock.

But now they can only let them stay for 2 or 3 hours. (The student really wants to stay, but he only has permission to stay for 2 hours)
But now they can only make them stay… keep them after school for 3 hours. (The student doesn’t want to stay, teachers make them stay)

Our spine will feel not so good
Our spine will feel bad
Our spine wouldn’t feel very good