VIP Class Notes (Ally)


Write down some opinions about the news we discussed in class. (Use correct tense and verbs)

Next class:

Work on finding the right verbs


event: shi jian

bribery: shou hui

entertainment industry: superstar industry

evade tax: tao shui

prosecution: jian cha yuan

drugs: du
fallout: bad consequences after the big thing

flee the country: runaway to other countries

biased: pian jian de

ongoing : still going on

  1. The ongoing investigation doesn’t look good for KW.

Speaking exercise

at the end of next year.

For several times
For a short amount of time
For several minutes.

I calculate almost twenty. We will divide to group.

I remember there were twenty participants to join the interview and we divided into three groups .

I remember there were twenty participants at the interview and we divided into three groups .

The digital transformation. I talk about something with the enterprise. I do work related to the govt and connect to the enterprise. With development of the knowledge, enterprise and govt started digital transformation.

How can we make sure the data security?
How can we guarantee the data security?

might not stop their plan
might not have stopped their plan

After the situation
After the event/incident

Didi was under investigation for a long time

Ali and Tencent group donated a lot money/made large donations to support government projects.

KW’s crimes involves a lot of powerful people.

If one day, they have some disputes, they have some evidence to …
If one day, they get into disputes, they have some evidence to threaten KW.
They saved the videos as leverage against KW.

I just want to express more serious for argue. I want to describe the word more serious in argue.
I want to describe a meaning more serious than “argue”.

I want to find a word to say argue in a more serious way. /find a way to say argue more seriously.

I just want something in your last sentence. /I’m not sure what did you say in your last sentence.
I’m not sure about one word you said in your last sentence.
I didn’t catch a words in your last sentence.
I didn’t catch that last bit.
I missed one word in that last sentence.

I think those apps including TikTok and Red Book, everyone just post something under supervision.


crime: cry+m

sick: small i