VIP Class Notes (Ally)


neutral colors/tones: close to white

beige: yellow white

supervision: Jian shi

indifferent: wu gan

flesh: body
ie. flesh-eating bacteria/bug…

extend: yan chang (n) extension
ie. extend your vacation…extend the deadline

theology: study of god

needy: nian ren…

intent/intention: 意图; 意向; 目的

crowded:人(太)多的; 拥挤的; 充满的; 挤满的

sarcastic: 讽刺的; 嘲讽的; 挖苦的

hinting: an shi

set of morals (noun): 道德规范

moral debate: 道德bian lun

political affiliation: ZZ li chang

corrupt: 贪污的; 受贿的; 腐败的

protagonist: zhu jue (good person) / antagonist

Speaking exercise

I observed that Judy …

According to/based on my observations…

Lala is very observant(adj). She observes me.

I neglected the duty of taking good care of my dog.

I don’t want to boast that even I’m unwilling to do this, I did quite good.
I don’t want to boast that even though I was unwilling to do this, I did quite well.

The extent of the violence in this film is a perfect fit for me.

the culture you belong in/to…

The leverage reached its peak.

WYF was accused of rape.
The accusation for WYF was rape.

WYF would get life in prison/the life sentence if he were convicted.
WYF would get life in prison/the life sentence if a conviction were reached.

If you were an American, would you have voted for Biden or Trump?

The preacher is chasing a peaceful mind morally(adv).