VIP Class Notes 7th May (Jesse)
yesterday I had to work and this morning I got home
eg. I had to work yesterday so I got there at 5pm and I only got home at 10am this morning.
insurance – bao xian
eg. do you have insurance? if so, you need to put the sticker on your windshield.
12 points
eg. We get 12 points per year, and I have lost 3 points in the last 4 weeks
he took 1 point / I lost a point
allergy – n
allergic reaction – n
eg. Do you have any allergies? Yes I am allergic to peanuts.
painkiller = headache medicine
first you need to put ice on it for 15 minutes until it’s not as painful.
She cut her ear / she cut herself / I cut my hand while washing dishes
eg. I had to get 3 stitches in my hand and after 2 months they took the stitches out
dressing –Â fu liao
eg. they changed the dressing every 2 weeks
every day – mei tian
everyone – da jia / mei ge ren
nerve – shen jing
eg. there are many nerves in your fingers so maybe you damaged the nerve
scar – ba henÂ
eg. I have a scar on my hand
thin stitches and a good technique can help stop you from having a scar
a type of – yi zhong
Writing exercise
I often met patients who got serious disease, e.g. heart attack, stroke and poisoning when I was in emergency room. Although I worked hard and did my best to help them, I couldn’t save them many times. Most of patients’ kinsfolk could understand it and thanked for my did but a few of them couldn’t accept it, they would blame the doctor.
Now I am a school doctor. In general, the students in university got minor disease e.g. cold and scrape because they are young and healthy and I can treat them by simple way. Last Sunday when I was on duty, a student knocked the door of my duty room. He told me his classmate was injured when they were playing basketball .I arrived playground quickly and found his arm was broken, so I had to call 120 for sending him to hospital because I couldn’t treat him. |
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