OpenF2F Class Notes 1st April (Celeste)
detract from the quality of oral communication 🙂
to get rid of – eliminate
Ex: We need to eliminate the verbal crutches in order to improve our oral communication.
without an accent
captivating – when a person gets your attention and holds it
Ex: Tyler Swift is captivating during her show.
Each of us has several roles in our life, we’re children, life-partner, friends, parents and colleagues. Sometimes it’s hard to balance these roles at the same time. Balancing these roles like wire-walking, sometimes we trend to one role, but other times we lean to other roles. It’s difficult to balance them meanwhile, but if we try our best on our current role when our effort or energy has to lean to one specific role, we can handle it very well. Even through, we can’t manage it as we expected but we’ll not regret. At the same time, we will save more time and energy for others.
Each of us has several roles in our lives, we’re children, life-partners, friends, parents and colleagues. Sometimes it’s hard to balance these roles at the same time. Balancing these roles is like wire-walking, sometimes we tend to one role, but other times we lean to other roles. It’s difficult to balance them, when we are pushed to one role and all our effort and energy is consumed by it. Sometimes, our other roles suffer. We should manage it as well as possible so that we will not regret our decisions. With all our hard work focused on one area, I hope that we can make more time for our other roles in life.
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