OpenF2F Class Notes 18th August (Celeste)


My birthday is on August so that my birthstone is peridot. It is a kind of light green gems. China is one of the original countries. Some people buy gems for their specical power. However, I don’t believe wearing color gems will works magic on me. For me, the gems are works of art by natrual. They don’t like silverware or tableware, they are beautiful but useless stone.  I think dressing beautifully with them is the most correct way to treat them.


My birthday is in August so my birthstone is peridot. It is a kind of light green gem. China is one of several countries that can produce this gem. Some people buy gems for their special powers. However, I don’t believe wearing colorful gems will work magic on me. For me, the gems are natural works of art. They are useless compared to silverware or tableware, they are just beautiful stones.

I think dressing up and accessorizing with them/gems is the best way to treat/use/utilize them. 

familiar ( fuh mill ee er )

consultant ( cun sull tint )

exact vs. specific
eg. Please tell me the exact/specific time of our VIP events.
eg. Please tell me the exact schedule of our VIP events.
eg. Can you please be more specific about the jewelry you are looking for?

where / wear / ware
eg. Where are we going for dinner?
eg. What should I wear to dinner?
eg. The table is set with all the silverware (fork, knife, spoon) and tableware (plate, napkin, glass).

legends ( le jinz )