OpenF2F Class Notes 17th January (Celeste)***


Listen to the recording of the edited story below. Read the story with the recording 2-3 times. Be prepared to read it in your next class perfectly.


Celeste makes/blends/mixes her own smoothies with a blender.

spinach ( spin – ich ) – bo cai

banana – xiang jiao

coconut milk – ye zhi

honey – feng mi

Writing exercise

But in Japan, their housewives get dishes ready for New Year’s at the end of the year and they eat them for breakfast at New Year’s morning. In the past, Japanese women didn’t work just did all of housework for every day. The housewives just had three day off for themselves during New Year, so they made a lot of dishes before New Year and ate them for three days. Most of their new year dishes are cold and sweet, because it is easy to store even if without fridge. In China, we enjoy hot dishes for dinner on New Year’s Eve . In Japan,they enjoy cold dishes for breakfast on New Year’s morning. This is the biggest different style for New Year’s between these two countrie


But Japanese housewives get dishes ready a few days before the new year when they will eat them on the first morning of the year. 

In the past, Japanese women didn’t work outside of the house they just did housework every day. The housewives just had the first three days of the year off for themselves.

So they made a lot of dishes before New Year’s Day and ate them for the next three days. Most of those/traditional Japanese dishes are cold and sweet because it is easy to store them even without refrigeration/a fridge. In China, we enjoy hot dishes for dinner on New Year’s Eve. In Japan, they enjoy cold dishes for breakfast on New Year’s morning. This is the biggest difference for New Year’s between these two countries.


tortoise ( tor – tiss )

of ( uv )