OpenF2F Class Notes 17th August (Celeste)


The below story was made up by me.
Gong Jinjie won the champion of the indoor cycling at the current Olympic Games. As she and I are come from the same town, I heard a news about her. To thank for the hometown’s raising, she was very generous to donate RMB500 thousand to the hometown’s charity. The charity wanted to use these money to build an amusement park, and the people living in the neighborhood could get a relaxation in the morning or after the dinner. However, RMB500 thousand was not enough to build a park, and no company was willing to accept this project. But B company accepted this project voluntarily, and said that they also would like to make some contributions to the hometown’s people.


The below story was made up by me.

Gong Jinjie gives thanks to her hometown after she won the championship
Gong Jinjie won the indoor cycling championship  at the 2016 Olympic Games. As she and I are from the same town, I learned a piece of news about her. To say thanks to the community who raised her, she generously donated 500,000RMB to her hometown’s charity. The charity wanted to use the/this/her money to build a park so the people living in the neighborhood can do some exercise in the morning or walk slowly after dinner. However, 500,000RMB was not enough to build a park, and no company was willing to accept this project. But B company accepted this project voluntarily, and said that they also would like to make some contributions to the community/people.

cycling ( sy – kling )

amusement equipment – rides and games

champion ( champ pee in ) – person
championship – thing
eg. Gong JinJie is the champion, she won the championship.

RMB500 thousand500,000 RMB
500,000 euros
500,000 pesos
$500,000 = 500 thousand dollars = 500k

To thank for the hometown’s raising, she was very generous to donate RMB500 thousand to the hometown’s charity.

To show appreciation to her hometown for giving her a good childhood, she generously donated 500k RMB to her hometown’s charity.

To say thanks to the community who raised her
, she generously donated 500k RMB to her hometown’s charity.