OpenF2F Class Notes 12th December (Celeste)

Writing exercise


The functions of the Buying Department
The main function of the Buying Department is to negociate with the suppliers to obtain the best prices, quality and timing, making sure that the products are received in the stores on time.
Another important function is to visit the factories, supervising the whole process from the beginning until the product is in the warehouse.
The Buying Department also plans every collection working in team with the designers.
Finally, it’s also a function of the Buying Department to analyze the market and the sales to optimize stocks and benefits.


The Functions of the Buying Department
The main function of the buying department is to negotiate with the suppliers to obtain the best prices, quality and timing, making sure that the products are received in the stores on time.
Another important job is to visit the factories, supervising the whole process from the beginning until the products are in the warehouse.
The buying department also plans every collection working together with a team of designers.
Finally, it’s also a responsibility to analyze the market and the sales to optimize stocks and benefits.

function / task / job / duty / responsibility

Speaking exercise

I can’t wait for him to start speaking, walking, talking…