Open F2F Class Notes_25th May (Harmony)[3]
praised (prayzd)
today they invite 4 companies – …invited 4 companies…
the only pity thing –the only bad part was no one asked me any follow up questions.
follow up: (noun/adj.) to follow up/ to check on. Anything that happens after an initial situation.
eg. I went to the doctor for a test, next week I will go for a follow up.
eg. After I asked my colleagues for their help, I will need to follow up on their progress.
the speaker/ the man who gave a speech
one of the company is – one of the companies is a technology…
technology (tech – nal – uh – gee) 4
tech – knowledge
eg. That man has a lot of tech – knowledge.
eg. that man has a lot of technology.
technological (tech – no – loj – ih – cull)
eg. His work is very technological.
they have buy some ideas of my presentation – they have bought some ideas from my presentation.
How are you?
Fine/ I’m good thanks, and you?
I’m okay, how are you?
How is your day going?
My day is going okay, and you?
My day is fine, how about yours?
***** If it’s your friends —- be honest
***** If it’s your boss—— lie. (I’m fine thank you, so glad to be here today. How are you?
My first step
I gave a speech to 40 persons which is the first time I faced so many clients to give a presentation. Before that, I always sat behind my sales colleagues and saw them sell our ideas and strategy at the stage. But this time, I stepped out of my comfort zone and sell my ideas by myself. I know a method said that if you are going to give a 2 hours speech, you have to prepare for 200 hours. So I rehearsed it again and again at home and made my wife and dog be my client. I thought I would be very nervous at that time, but in actuality, I was totally relaxed because I know what I should say in the next second which I rehearsed at least 10times. I was praised by a client director and she also sent a email to thank us, especially me. She said I was the best among today’s agencies, and what I said was her most interesting. I think it is a best first step for me and I will try my best to give wonderful speeches as possible I can.
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